Thanksgiving Time

  It’s Thanksgiving Day! For most people in United States Thanksgiving is a day where families gather to break bread and celebrate the family unit. This usually results in an tryptophan and/or sugar crash. For those who haven’t succumbed to overeating, they spend the day watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade, or football games on TV. […]


WeCast: Thanksgiving Trivia

This week we share with you trivia facts about the quintessential American tradition of Thanksgiving. What has become a day of gluttony, parades, and huge family get-togethers, really began as a humble coming together of hugely diverse cultures. Test your Thanksgiving wisdom in this fun WeCast. Maybe you’ll learn a few fun facts you can […]


Popular and Lesser Known Holidays

As harvest season and the winter months are upon us, so are the Holy Days, and the “holidays.” Around the world people are celebrating their harvest, the coming of seasonal changes, and important Holy events in their lives. We are familiar with the holidays in our regions, particularly for our North American followers, the religious […]
