Tomorrow Doesn’t Exist Until It Arrives

The Fine Art of Staying Present We’ve all heard the platitudes about the preciousness of time and staying in the moment. It’s easier said than done, isn’t it? Life gets hectic and it’s easy to get wrapped up in our schedules. Trying to “get ahead” – the words themselves! – ensure we are liking towards […]


WeCast: Favorite Ways to Waste Time

What’s your favorite thing to do when you want to do… nothing? Or, should we say, when you want to relax and not have to think about work and obligations. This week we discuss our favorite things to do when it’s time to slow down and do something fun. Everyone has their own unique way […]


One Heartbeat Away…

Happy Beginnings I’m quite certain she knew there would eventually be heartache in the decision to marry a man 20 years her senior. But the love was deep… strong… undeniable. He was so handsome, so very full of life. One of those men that everyone wanted to be near – men and women, children and […]


Do You Make a Difference?

Making a difference is part of our mandate in life. It is a goal of achievement that elevates our self esteem, our admiration of our fellow travelers, and most importantly the respect of our Creator. We are taught in the Mide’ way of the Pot of Life, a lesson on the Path to the Veil. […]


Keep Sacred the Destiny

In the Time of Our Grandfather’s Grandfathers “In the time of our Grandfathers Grandfather…” how many times have we heard these words uttered in the history and stories told to us by the Tribal Elders and Storytellers. How enlightening and educational, how inspirational are the words of the Ancient ones. How valuable are our heritages […]


Set Impossible Goals and Achieve Your Maximum Potential

And the Rains Came… The near continual rains and recent flooding worldwide are producing great tragedies across huge swaths of several nations. We are sacrificing small towns and farms to save large cities. Once again the loss of lives and dollars is incalculable. The summer of 2018 was marked by deadly floods around the world. […]


Ultimate Vision

What is your ultimate vision? The last on your bucket list? The one you most desire but are fearful of achieving? Where will we end?! More importantly, what are we doing between now… and then? The Destination Like most people of the world, I have a vision of what I aspire to be when I […]


The Coming of the Dark Half

The Autumnal Equinox is one of two days a year during which we have equal amounts of daylight and darkness. It marks the coming of the dark half of the year…   In the time of our First Parents, around the First Fires of all the People around the world, the Elders tracked the movement of […]


Grace During Adversity

“The best meal of their journey was the gift of men they did not know and would never see again. Like so much on the Sahara, it opened their minds to the unexpected, and to small graces in the midst of adversity.” ~ Skeletons on the Zahara – A True Story of Survival, Dean King   […]


WeCast: The First Two Stepping Stones – Fear & Time

Learn about the first two Stepping Stones, Fear & Time. Until you learn to control Fear, it will continue to control *you.* We talk about 9/11 and the effect it had on our nation as it relates to engendering fear… as well as the brave first responders who are the epitome of how to control […]
